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Coastal’s “Four Pillars”

If our mission statement (rooted in the Gospel and drawn from the Great Commission found in Matthew 28), “We exist to glorify Christ by loving people and being the church both locally and globally”, is the foundation of who we are as a church, then the “4 Pillars” of Coastal are the primary ways we strive to carry out that mission.


Worship doesn’t just happen Sunday mornings.  Worship is a lifestyle of giving God the glory and honor that He’s due.  It’s lifting high the name of Jesus, declaring to the world that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Worship is our response to who God is.  Worship is at the core of all we do. It is the overflow of hearts transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


As followers of Jesus, we are above all else called to glorify God by being disciples who go and make disciples here and among the nations.  God designed this to happen most effectively inside relationships marked by intentionality and rooted in God’s word.  Community is where we learn how to be people who don’t just “go” to church, but instead how to actively live out our calling to “be” the church in our homes, our communities, and around the world.


God’s heart is for every person from every tribe, nation, and tongue to hear the truth of the Gospel.  The Church, both local and global, is God’s primary mechanism for making His Name known among the nations.  At Coastal, we are a gathered and sent people who strive to live with an urgency for the gospel to be heard by all peoples.  As we gather, we grow and mature in Christ, and this spiritual maturity leads us to live missionally in every aspect of our lives for the glory of God both locally and globally.


Every person no matter who they are or where they come from is an image-bearer of God. Unfortunately sin has not only broken our relationship with God, but also our relationships with other people. The Gospel makes a way for restoration and healing to occur first between us and God, and then as an overflow, it makes a way for us to find reconciliation among others as well. Our desire is to see people who are hurting and broken experience the grace and mercy found in Jesus and in doing so begin to mend the broken relationships with others in their lives.